



(以上圖片來自 Voice Tube的部落格,裡面也有很多可以參考的資料喔!)


我不舒服 I feel sick. /I don’t feel well.
我感覺胸口不舒服 My chest feels funny.
There is something strange here.
我感覺到胸口有(尖銳的、鈍鈍的)疼痛I have a (sharp, dull) pain
胸口有壓迫感 My chest feels heavy.
我感覺心跳得很快 My pulse is rapid.
脈搏紊亂 My pulse is irregular.
腳腫了 I have a swollen foot.

2. 有關消化系統的症狀
胃痛(肚子疼) I have a stomachache.
肚子有尖銳的疼痛 I have a sharp griping pain in the stomach.
肚子有刺痛 I have a tingling pain.
空腹時會痛 I have a hunger pain.
持續性地痛 I have a continuous pain.
肚子感覺怪怪 I have an upset stomach.
胃灼熱 I have heartburn.
反胃想吐 I feel nauseous / queasy.
吐血了 I threw up some blood.
吞嚥困難 I have difficulty in swallowing.
便中帶血 My stool is bloody.
下痢 I have diarrhea.     (去印度用得到...)
便秘 I am constipated.
有痔瘡 I have hemorrhoids.

3. 有關呼吸系統的症狀
呼吸困難 I feel short of breath .
咳嗽 I have a cough.
咳嗽有痰 I have a productive cough.
乾咳 I have a dry cough.
喉嚨痛 I have a sore throat.
感覺有些發燒 I feel feverish.
發高燒(有微熱) I have a high (slight) fever.
夜晚盜汗 I have night sweats.
我有一些畏寒 I have the chills.. /I feel chilly.

偏頭痛 I have a migraine.
頭痛 I have a headache.
頭抽痛 I have a throbbing headache.
頭痛欲裂 I have a splitting headache.
頭好重 My head feels heavy.
頭暈眼花 I feel dizzy.
我感到快昏了 I feel faint.
左手麻痺 My left hand is numb.
右腳麻痺了 My right foot is paralyzed.
耳鳴 I have a ringing in my ear.
耳朵聽不見(耳聾) I am deaf.
引起抽筋 I have frequent convulsion(s) .
引起痙攣 I have a cramp.
眼前一片模糊 My vision has become blurred.

5. 糖尿病相關症狀
口渴 I am thirsty.
尿量多 I urinate very much.
太過有食慾了 I have a large appetite.
突然胖了 I have a sudden gain of weight.
突然消瘦了 I have a sudden loss of weight.
血糖過低 I am hypoglycemic.
冒冷汗 I have a cold sweat.
手部顫抖 My hands shake.
神經痛 I have pins and needles.

6. 有關神經、精神方面的症狀
晚上睡不著 I have difficulty in sleeping
坐立難安 I am often irritated
我感到心灰意冷 I feel depressed
有幻覺現象 I suffer from hallucinations.
感到不安 I have an uneasy feeling.

7. 有關泌尿器的症狀
頻尿 I have frequent urination.
排尿困難 It is difficult to urinate.
尿後會痛 I have terminal pain when I urinate.
尿中有血 There is blood in my urine.
排尿排不乾淨 There are drippings after urinating.
陰囊腫脹 My testicle(s) are swollen.

8. 有關整形外科的症狀
足踝扭傷了 I think I sprained my ankle.
肩骨脫臼了 I think I have dislocated my shoulder.
可能是骨折 I think I have a bone fracture.
大概腕骨骨折了 I seem to have my arm broken.
膝關節痛 I have a pain in my knee joints.
肩膀僵硬 I have a stiffness in my shoulder

9. 有關小兒的症狀
小孩會抽搐 My child has convulsions.
臉上起疹子 My child has a rash on her /his face.
全身起小疹子 My child has little spots all over her /his body.
是不是耳朵感染炎症? My child might have an ear infection.
呼吸困難 My child seems to have difficulty in breathing.

10. 有關牙齒的症狀
牙疼 I have a toothache.
我有蛀牙 I have a cavity.
補牙材料掉了 A filling came out.
牙根鬆動 My teeth are loose.
牙齦發炎 I have gum infection.
請替我洗牙去除牙垢 I want my teeth cleaned.


(劉美蓉 藥師)翻譯自JAL 海外旅遊醫師 第5版


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